摘要:The Manzo dam (Antilles island- France) is a 27 m hight riprap embankment structure allowing the storage of 8 Mm3 of water. Since 1980, this structure compensates for the lack of water during the dry season and allows, essentially, the irrigation of the lands of the south-east of Martinique. Thus, it meets the major territorial challenges of supporting competitive agriculture and maintaining employment. Over the years, the structure has become a part of the landscape of the municipalities of Ducos, François and Saint-Esprit. This article presents the analysis of resilience and adaptability of the dam to respond to changing uses and climate change. Natural hazards (storms, droughts, earthquakes), evolution of uses and concerns about global warming require greater hydrological resilience. The Martinique Regional Council, as the operator of the dam, must anticipate these issues in order to guarantee services in a sustainable and economic manner while minimizing socio-environmental impacts.