摘要:Indonesia is one of the countries that is categorized as a disaster-prone country. BNPB noted an increase in the number of disasters in Indonesia in the last 10 years, including earthquakes, volcanic eruptions to tidal waves and abrasion. West Sulawesi is one of the provinces prone to disasters, one of which is in Mirring Village, Polewali Mandar. Mirring Village is a coastal area that is prone to coastal abrasion and tidal waves, therefore the area is planted with mangroves to withstand tidal waves from the sea. Unfortunately, the people of Mirring village did not understand the function of the mangrove until finally Rumah Zakat through Relawan Inspirasi came to provide education regarding the use of mangroves, disaster mitigation to become a disaster-resilient family and an economically resilient family. This research is a descriptive study using a qualitative approach. The data collected with interview with 17 respondents. The results show that the community welcomes the community empowerment program towards a disaster-resilient village by Rumah Zakat. The community has understood the function of mangroves and participated in disaster training to become disaster-resilient families. The community also initiated the existence of crab ponds and mangrove cultivation which later could become their source of income and form an economically resilient family.