摘要:The indications of halal values in the local regulation need to be looked at further on the overall coverage of halal aspects included dress ethics that need to be applied to support halal tourism with local identity and global competitiveness. The Aceh government which has special autonomy under the leadership of the mayor of Sabang, has issued special regulations to support the implementation of ‘good’ and 'halal' tourism. This regulation is stated in Qanun Number 9 of 2019 concerning the Master Plan for Tourism Development of Sabang City for 2019-2027. The stipulation of these regulations clearly indicates the spirit of halal, including the ethics of dress which is a local identity in the management of marine tourism in the city of Sabang which can be seen in many poins of mentioned qanun. Normative research by looking at the scope of government regulations that is presented qualitatively shows the need for the scope of rules or derivative rules from the side of non-muslim tourists in terms of the obligation to comply with local halal norms and ethics, such as etiquette for beachfront dress and supervision. This is because the embodiment of halal tourism in products, governance, facilities, and supervision must support social, ethical, customary and local communities. The preference for halal tourism that has been declared by the government must not prioritize the quantity of tourism but prioritize the quality of halal, wisdom and social culture of the local community.