摘要:To overcome the dependence on the use of reinforcing steel in concrete, alternative materials are used as reinforcement that is easy and cheap to obtain the resistant of corrosion namely rattan rods. With this material the natural resources can be utilized optimally. This research uses rattan as reinforcement for concrete beams. The test is carried out using a two-point loading method, used 4 types of beams, namely 2 rattan reinforcement beam (BR2), 3 rattan reinforcement (BR3), 4 rattan reinforcement (BR4) and 2 steel reinforcement (BS2) as control beams. The test results show that the addition of 2 times the amount of rattan reinforcement resulted in an increase in flexural capacity of 48.51%. The flexural capacity of rattanreinforced beams is lower than the flexural capacity of steel-reinforced beams by 10%, so the use of rattan as reinforcement in non-structural construction.