摘要:This study aimed to develop a valid android-based Assessment-Link application to help pre-service biology teachers practice skills of biology cognitive test questions based on Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy. The development procedure of the application used Kemp, Morrison, and Ross’ instructional design consisting of nine stages namely instructional problems, learner characteristics, task analysis, instructional objectives, content sequencing, instructional strategies, designing the message, development of instruction, and evaluation instruments. In this study, there were six biology learning assessment experts from Indonesia and Malaysia universities involved in assessing the quality of the Assessment-Link application. The application quality assessment was carried out on three aspects including content, design, and engagement. This result was in a form of an Assessment-Link application product that contained several features namely tutorial, introductory menus, Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy materials, materials of criteria and how to write good test questions, exploration, interactive quiz, and task. The validity test result showed that all aspects of the assessment were in a very good category. Therefore, the Assessment-Link application developed was valid and able to be used to prepare pre-service biology teachers in analysing biology test questions based on Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy.