摘要:Bedono Village is experiencing environmental problems due to land use, so that the mangroves area is converted into ponds and villages. On the other hand, this change causes erosion, loss of hundreds of hectares of land, disturbing the livelihoods. This study aimed to analyze the type and area of mangroves in Bedono Village. The mangrove data were obtained from field studies by exploration. Each location was chosen subjectively to determine the station based on mangrove species information. After that, the plot was determined. The mangrove area was processed based on high-resolution imagery data from 2015 to 2020. Based on the identification, six types of mangroves were found in Bedono Village, Demak. Meanwhile, the mangrove area in Bedono Village has decreased from 2015 to 2020. The efforts made by the community in replanting mangroves have been successful based on indicators of mangrove areas. For this reason, the effort that must be done now and in the future is to maintain the existence of mangroves by properly implementing existing regulations.