摘要:A broadband T/R frond-end of active holographic imaging system is presented. Compact autodyne mode circuit structure front-end is adopted to achieve higher signal to noise ratio and higher reliability, which is beneficial to the after-end imagining. The factors that influence the dynamic range and the transverse resolution ratio of holographic imaging system have been analyzed. Wide-band oscillator, wide-band low noise amplifier and the tapered slot antennas are implemented to meet the requirements of the holographic imagining system. According to the measured results, the output power is uniform in the broadband working frequency. The sub-harmonic suppression is better than 25 dBc from the frequency of 28 GHz to 33 GHz. The isolation between antennas channel is greater than 20 dB. The experimental result shows that the performance of the front-end is good enough to meet the needs of active millimeter-wave holographic imaging system.