摘要:Factor analysis of non-financial motivators will be presented through a statistical model whose goal is to group factors. Composing a statistical model implies grouping the factors that determine the contributions of qualitative preference to business efficiency of the whole company. Empirical material is obtained by surveying the target group, and the response pattern to clarify the management problem is factor analysis. The purpose of factor analysis is to rationalize the number of dependent variables of business efficiency in relation to qualitative and quantitative requirements within the surveyed target group. Considering the modern lifestyle, it is reasonable to assume that general dissatisfaction level is increasing every day. This includes professional orientation, working conditions, leisure time management and all levels of interpersonal relationships such as collegial, friendly, partner and family relationships. It is reasonable to assume that within business systems there is a space for recognizing this dimension and its careful analysis that respects the non-economic dimension of employees’ (dis) satisfaction and manages business efficiency in terms of non-economic factors. This paper aims to present thorough analysis of grouped factors that are basically non-financial; they represent a group of spiritual factors that contribute to a better internal climate of the company. All this leads to a prosperous company management that can represent and promote the company in public well.