期刊名称:Liberal Arts and Social Sciences International Journal
摘要:This research aims to investigate the effect of reward systems on the extrinsic and intrinsic motivation of the employees working in various manufacturing companies located in the UAE. In this era of competition, motivated employees considered as a valuable assets and motivation play vital role in productivity and enhancement of job commitment and reduce job turnover intention. While, researchers highlight the significance of reward system to intrinsic and extrinsic motivation in various context. However, this area of research is under-theorized particularly within the UAE context in the food and beverage sector. The data was gathered from 100 respondents through a self-administered survey using a 7-point Likert scale. The data was later analyzed using SPSS. A variety of statistical procedures have been carried out to figure out the reliability and validity of the research hypotheses. Based on the results generated through these statistical procedures, key conclusions and inferences have been drawn. In essence, the organization must take an effective measure that is aimed at enhancing the motivation levels of their workforce. Moreover, a motivated workforce will be more committed and dedicated to achieving the organizational goals and objectives.