摘要:The northwestern coast of Egypt is characterized by an international interest due to its history and magnificent environment, thus worth to be referred as “Bread basket” during the Greek and Roman periods. Recently, drastic changes in land use resulted in destructing many of water harvesting tools, thus diminution agriculture importance. Restoring and planning self-sufficient communities need to develop a sustainable land resources database. The medium scale space data provide a spatial resolution of 30 meters, in addition to multi-temporal imaging. Moreover, Geographic Information System (GIS) permits to store, merge, and manipulate the huge amounts of thematic maps and attribute data. A number of 7 Landsat 8 OLI of June 2019 scenes, and 53 topographic maps at scale 1:50000, covering the whole study area, were acquired and merged. ENVI 5.1 software was used for image processing while ArcGIS 10.4.1 to generate thematic layers relevant to land resource, Field investigation was carried out to represent different soil units and collect ground control points. Chemical and physical soil properties were determined, upon which soil classification was based. Soil map was produced including dominant geographic units and soil association. The Mediterranean Land Evaluation Information System (Micro-LEIS) system was employed to define soil suitability classes for practiced cultivations. The results showed that the soils are generally characterized by the presence of Calcic, Petrogypsic and Salic horizons. The identified great groups include Torripsamments, Torriorthents, Haplosalids, Petrogypsids and Haplocalcids. Soils of the alluvial fans and watershed basins are deep to moderately deep. The salinity is relatively low whereas the CaCO3 content is mostly high. Land suitability limiting factors found in the piedmont and coastal plains include salinity, soil depth and texture. It can be concluded that the digital mapping, encouraged by the progress of GIS and satellite imaging, preserve in the investment spent in soil and other thematic mapping.