摘要:Two Dhaka, Bangladesh, landfills are explored to understand how management practices impact environmental quality and public health in the surrounding areas. A combination of research methods is used, such as geospatial buffer zone analysis, semi-structured observation checklist and qualitative interviews, to gain an understanding of the waste transportation, leachate percolation, and adverse health and environmental effects. A multi-ring buffer zone and ground truth method were applied through ArcMap for the spatial distribution of landfill-adjacent environmental features. Qualitative interviews were conducted with landfill officials and nearby residents. Findings reveal that landfills are situated very close to residential areas, water bodies and agricultural lands, exposing them to various health and environmental hazards. Improper solid waste management practices of the landfills cause adverse environmental effects by leachate percolation, waste incineration and vector breeding. Adjacent dwellers suffer from bronchial diseases, pneumonia, diarrhoea, itching problems, headache and appetite loss. The existing solid waste management system requires managerial and technical modifications to reduce the associated environmental pollution and health hazards. 'Practice relevance' Waste management practices impact directly on environmental and public health. Dhaka’s existing waste management practices can become better organised to address these concerns. Source waste reduction must be implemented to ensure the reduction of disposed waste at landfills. Administrative capacity of landfills requires improvement to ensure proper waste management procedures. Increased awareness is also needed among the general population and waste handlers about the adverse effects of uncontrolled waste dumping, along with enforcement measures for improper waste practices. Application of a low-tech, simple and innovative method to improve the leachate treatment process is also needed. Environmentally friendly treatments should be considered in order to minimise landfill odour. Regular training programmes and monitoring activities are needed to ensure the proper utilisation of comfortable and convenient safety gear and reduce vector breeding.
关键词:cities;environmental health; hazard;landfill;pollution; public health;urban;waste management;Dhaka;Bangladesh