出版社:Grupo de Pesquisa Metodologias em Ensino e Aprendizagem em Ciências
摘要:Objective: to analyze the trends in the Brazilian production of theses and dissertations in the health area on Advance Directives of Will. Method: narrative review carried out in July 2021 in the Theses and Dissertations Bank of the Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel), and originated from the research question: "What is the trend in the productions of theses and dissertations on Advance Willingness". The strategies: "advance directive", "living will" and "advance care planning" were used, and 86 productions were reported. Studies on the theme in the health area were included, without a time frame. After applying the inclusion criteria, the corpus of analysis was limited to 28 documents. Results: we identified a greater number of dissertations among the productions, mostly from the Southeast, in 2019, and in the area of Bioethics. The qualitative, descriptive and exploratory methodological design predominated. Two major themes were evident: the use of technologies as an auxiliary device to the applicability of Advance Directives of Will; and the perception of patients, families and health professionals about these directives. Conclusion: Advance Directives of Will are recognized by professionals, patients and families as instruments of autonomy, but there is ignorance, difficulties and limitations in their construction and application.
关键词:Advance directives;Living wills;Advance care planning;Patient assistance planning;Adherence to advance directives;Teaching.