出版社:Grupo de Pesquisa Metodologias em Ensino e Aprendizagem em Ciências
摘要:The current study aims to report the experience in the application of an extension course, which was proposed as a complementary education in medical mycology for undergraduate students in the health area. Due to the new coronavirus pandemic, the course was offered in the distance education modality. The course covered about the general characteristics of fungi and the identification of significant organisms in fungal infections, highlighting superficial, cutaneous, subcutaneous, systemic, invasive mycoses and mycotoxins. The main learning strategies were recorded video classes, asynchronous activities available to complement the learning and clinical case studies in virtual groups in synchronous activities. Regarding the students learning, it was possible to observe a greater familiarity of the participants in relation to the organisms causing fungal infections, mainly due to the assertiveness in the resolution of clinical cases. Regarding the methodological strategies, they were adequate, however, could be need to increase the number of synchronous activities and the study time due to the density of the contents. This extension course offered as a complement distance education in medical mycology showed to be a positive experience to increase the effectiveness of learning in this area of knowledge.
关键词:Mycology;Distance Education;Continuing medical education.