摘要:Vibrio vulnificus possesses multiple iron-uptake systems which are mediated by VuuA (vulnibactin receptor), IutA (aerobactin receptor) and HupA (heme receptor). In this study, we determined the effect of a mutation of luxS encoding autoinducer-2 (AI-2) synthase on the expressions of the three receptors. A mutation and an in trans complementation of luxS did not affect the growing ability of V. vulnificus in iron-deficient conditions. Nevertheless, the luxS mutation slightly decreased vuuA expression, but slightly increased iutA and hupA expressions in the transcriptional reporter assay or Western blot analysis. These changes were all recovered by the luxS complementation. These results suggest that AI-2-mediated quorum sensing system may be involved in the fine modulation of V. vulnificus iron-uptake systems, positively affecting vuuA expression but negatively affecting iutA and hupA expressions.