出版社:Grupo de Pesquisa Metodologias em Ensino e Aprendizagem em Ciências
摘要:Blue and yellow macaw is a species which does not show sexual dimorphism and is threatened by animal traffic. The identification of heterosexual pairs is important for reintroduction programs. The aimof this workwas select parameters for sexing and use them to determine the frequency of heterosexual pairs in a population of blue-and-yellow macaws allocated in a Wild Animal Screening Center. Blood samples from 23 macaws were collected and genomic DNA extracted by Tris/SDS washes. Allele-specific molecular markers for sexing were amplified by PCR, and identified on 2% agarose gel. Three pairs of primers were tested: Pair 1 (P2/P8), Pair 2 (1237L/1272H) and Pair 3 (2550F/2718R). For the determination of animal pairs, all individuals had their social behavioral acts observed.The results showed thatthelow complexity DNA extraction protocol used was adequate.Pairs 2 and 3of primerswere effective for sexing and the Pair 3 was the most efficient. The study also showed that in the sample studied, the composition of males and females was similar (0.4 males n=10 and 0.6 females n=13); 70% (n=16) of the individuals formed pairs and 75% (n=12) of the pairs were heterosexual and the othersmale-male or female-female pairs. These results were used in the management of the animals in the reintroduction program.
关键词:Reintroduction programs;Illegal trade;Molecular markers;Psittacidae;Heterosexual and homosexual pairs.