摘要:This research was aimed to analyze the advisability and the effectiveness of “RESENDS†research-based teaching material supplement in improving the learning outcomes and fostering the students’ reproductive health care. This research was conducted by using research and developmental methods (R&D) which refered to the modified Sugiyono (2013) steps. The result of this research showed that the advisability of “RESENDS†research-based teaching material material was very decent (material validity 90.65%, media validity 99.2%, students’ reponses 89%, teacher responses 96.7%). “RESENDS†research-based teaching material supplement was effevtive in improving the students’ learning outcomes and their care attitudes. It was proved by the percentage of students’ classical completeness that had achieved the KKM ≥ 72 was 87.9%. As many as 12% of the total students belonged to high criteria of caring attitude and 88% of the total students belonged to very high criteria. The conclusion of this research was “RESENDS†research-based teaching material supplement was decent, valid, and effective in the biological study of reproductive system material.