摘要:The importance of maintaining a healthy intestinal microbiota in the health of the host has been increasingly clarified. This microbiota may appear unbalanced in diseases such as colitis, diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome and constipation. To rebalance the microbiota and improve the symptoms of constipation, it is recommended to intake prebiotics, probiotics and symbiotics, which works in the modulation of a healthy intestinal microbiota and favors the production of short-chain fatty acids that have a positive effect on intestinal transit. In addition, some studies indicate that there is a relation between the brain and the intestine that influences the behavior of individuals with intestinal dysbiosis. Thus, the reestablishment of the eubiosis in constipated patients through the functional compounds (prebiotics, probiotics and symbiotics) has been showing promising results regarding the modulation of constipation and improvement of the clinical picture. This review will emphasize the relation of prebiotics, probiotics and symbiotics in the modulation of intestinal constipation. New food sources of these compounds should be evaluated for their efficacy, dose and effect to establish a proper management.