摘要:An efficient delivery system is required if antisense oligodeoxynucleotides (ODN) are to be utilized for gene therapy. We report herein on the development of a novel ODN delivery system, ODN-encapsulated nano particles (ODN-ENP) using an efficient and simple packaging method. The ODN-ENP consists of a condensed ODN particle and a lipid envelope, which can be equipped with various functional devices for the efficient delivery of ODN with a small diameter (150 nm). The encapsulation efficiency and ODN recovery of ODN-ENP were significantly higher than those of other packaging methods, such as a stabilized antisense-lipid particles method or a freeze-thaw method. Furthermore, the time required for the preparation of the ODN-ENP was shorter than the other methods. The method developed in this study is a simple and efficient packaging method for ODN with a condensed nano particle in lipid-envelope structure.