摘要:We investigated the effects of restraint and footshock stress and norepinephrine treatment on gastric emptying. The gastric emptying was significantly inhibited by restraint stress. β3-adrenergic antagonist canceled the inhibition of gastric emptying caused by restraint stress, while β1-, β2-, α1-, and α2-adrenergic antagonists did not affect the inhibition. Norepinephrine treatment also inhibited gastric emptying. The inhibition by norepinephrine treatment was canceled by β1-, β2-, and β3-adrenergic antagonists, but not by α1- and α2-adrenergic antagonists. On the other hand, footshock stress did not affect gastric emptying. These results suggest that β3-adrenoceptors play an important role in the inhibition of gastric emptying caused by restraint stress, while nonspecific β-adrenoceptors are involved in that caused by norepinephrine treatment.