出版社:Research Centre of Industrial Problems of Development of NAS of Ukraine
摘要:To achieve the position of European countries, Ukraine needs to focus on the following: raising social standards of quality of life, material well-being of citizens, attracting investment, and economic growth of the State. Ensuring conditions that raise social standards and increase the opposite impact on macroeconomic reproduction processes is the most important position of the modern model of economic growth. Thus, a modernization of the economy will contribute to its qualitative renewal, which has to be accompanied by the turn of the economic policy of the State to a citizen. The article is aimed at forming a theoretical and methodological support for the definition and evaluation of social standards of life of the population in the context of changes in economic systems. The carried out analysis of scientific views of different times and practical experience of countries showed that improvement of social standards of quality of life of the population is possible with the accumulation of real and human capital, scientific and technological progress. Theory and practice show that there are factors that can both facilitate the improvement and interfere with the processes of both accumulation of these capitals and scientific-technological progress. The experience of countries that have success in terms of rapid growth of economic indicators proves that conditions that contribute to the growth of income per capita play an important role. Nowadays, we have gained extensive experience in analyzing the impact of social standards on macroeconomic processes, but we need to improve measures directed towards promoting the implementation of the action strategy developed by Ukraine to overcome poverty and renew production. The strategy must provide for the implementation of certain steps to form new standards of quality of life of the population, which are ensured with a sufficient level of budget financing. This requires the development of a system of indicators of modeling of standards of quality of life of the population, as well as a general (integral) indicator. The development and approbation of such a system is a difficult task, since it should ensure the methodological unity of all private indicators of the system and an unambiguous assessment of the level and dynamics of the process under research.
关键词:соціальні стандарти; якість життя; добробут; теоретико-методичне забезпечення