摘要:What is the future of the ten ASEAN capitals? This article speculates upon how to answer this question by drawing on evidence of the advancing global weirding of the world’s ecology (especially as influenced by climate change) to outline ten diverse, graphically illustrated, scenarios for the ten capital cities of ASEAN (Association of South East Asian Nations). The varying, and often unique, socio-political background of each of these under-theorised urban settings, from Bandar Seri Begawan in Brunei to Vientiane in Laos, is subjected to imagined eco-catastrophic futures based upon the weird science now effusing from ecology, climatology and sustainability studies. This condition of global weirding is set to radically change the urban environments of these ten capitals. This stands in stark contrast to the strong desire by most of ASEAN governments to keep the socio-political structures of their nations from changing at all, which in turn, only exacerbates global weirding and its impacts. Each ASEAN urban future scenario presented here ends up being quite peculiar, horrific, radical, and awful. In that sense, they act as a warning for residents/leaders/theorists of these cities regarding their impending future if no proper form of socio-political or economic changes are entertained.