摘要:In the cloud computing era, a paper recommender system is usually deployed on the cloud server and return recommendation results to readers directly. However, considering the paper recommender system, processing tremendous paper citation data on the cloud cannot provide fine-grained personalized and real-time recommendations for each reader because these recommended papers from the cloud are far from readers and probably not correlated strongly with each other for helping each reader research further and deeper in the interested field. Recently, the edge-cloud collaboration-based recommender system has been used for releasing parts of the cloud computing task to the edge and provides the recommendation near the client. Based on the edge computing recommender system, a keywords-driven and weight-aware paper recommendation approach is presented, namely, LP-PRk+w (link prediction-paper recommendation), to enable intelligent, personalized, and efficient paper recommendation services in the mobile edge computing environment. Specifically, the whole paper recommendation process mainly covers two parts: optimizing the existing paper citation graph via introducing a weighted similarity (i.e., building a weighted paper correlation graph) and then recommending a set of correlated papers according to the weighted paper correlation graph and the users’ query keywords. Experiments on a real-world paper correlation dataset, Hep-Th, show the capability of our proposal for improving the paper recommendation performance and its superiority against other related solutions.