摘要:Data visualization is in a process of constant change, the edge is constantly expanding, and information can be conveyed with the help of graphic technology. This article aims to study the Hainan port logistics supply chain and its flexible operation mechanism of digital visualization remote control and hopes that through the blessing of remote control technology, the port’s ability to deal with the external environment will be improved. Based on the theory of logistics service availability of supply line flexibility, this paper constructs the evaluation of Hainan port logistics service supply chain flexibility; logistics flexibility refers to the ability of an enterprise to respond quickly and effectively to changes in customer demand for transportation, delivery, and services. Logistics flexibility includes four important elements: logistics supply flexibility, procurement flexibility, distribution flexibility, and demand management flexibility. Using the concept of two-level planning to build a port collection and distribution network optimization model in the supply chain environment and analyze related examples to find the best route for port transportation, the attributes related to port flexibility are selected from the perspectives of strategic flexibility, system flexibility, service provider flexibility, and organizational flexibility. The test outcomes of this document show the radiation capacity of Haikou port is relatively strong, the proportion of people who think it is excellent is 60%, and the proportion of people who think that the radiation ability of Haikou Port is good is 20%. Haikou Port has a good resource utilization capacity; 70% think its resource utilization rate is good, and 20% think its resource utilization is very good. Haikou Port’s response capability is relatively average compared to Kia’s capability, and even 10% of people think that Haikou Port’s response capability is very average, so Haikou Port needs to strengthen training for port response capabilities. According to the operating flexibility data, the informatization development of Haikou Port is showing a good level.