摘要:In this paper, we examine book reviews that are published on the social media YouTube, considering the strategies used for the distribution of information. The reflection on the process of genre re-elaboration on social medias (ARAÚJO, 2016) is our main theoretical support. In addition, we also use the Create a Research Space (CARS) model, which was initially proposed by Swales (1984) to explain and describe the organizational pattern of writing the introduction to scholarly research studies, and posteriorly used by Motta-Roth (1995) and other researchers to analyze the organizational pattern of writing academic reviews. Using a methodology with ethnographical features, we gathered 10 book reviews elaborated by booktubers, which are the users of this virtual environment. Analysis we made shows that, despite the many moves e sub-functions in the writing of academic reviews also are present in the book reviews published on YouTube, new rhetorical unities appear indicating the necessity of re-elaboration for the organizational pattern of writing that genre in order to complete the act of reviewing a book on YouTube.