摘要:IoT is a trending computational concept that converts almost everything in modern life into a smart thing in various innovational and outstanding approaches. Smart homes, connected cities, autonomous vehicles, industrial automation, and smart healthcare that allows doctors to perform a patient examination and enable executing a remote surgery are now applicable through the smart connected things. Moreover, the recent IoT analytics report expects the universal number of connected IoT things to grow by 9%, to 12.3 billion operating terminals. It is expected that there will be more than 27 billion IoT live connections by 2025. In this paper, we present osmotic message-oriented middleware, introducing an end-to-end IoT platform to federate the dynamic orchestration process of resources across different heterogeneous types of devices belonging to physical and virtual infrastructures (e.g., edge, fog, and cloud layers); the orchestration process follows the osmotic computing concepts represented as the self-adaptive MAPE-K model, which maintains/adopts itself on the runtime through feedback loops from the provisioning engine, which collects the node’s hardware and software performance matrices. Accordingly, the orchestration process utilizes the optimized dynamic Hungarian algorithm to solve the MELs’ assignment problem based on the vibrant runtime provisioning data. The implemented middleware prototype is tested on both simulated and real-life environments to validate the architecture hypothesis of running an efficient, robust, elastic, and cost-efficient end-to-end osmotic IoT ecosystem, which unlocks a new implementation model for the IoT numerous domains.