摘要:Red cabbage is known as the millennium’s functional food, which has a lot of importance in our diet because of the health-promoting ingredients present in it. The current study investigated the synergistic relationship of rhizospheric-competent microbial agents (Trichoderma harzianum, Pseudomonas fluorescens, and Bacillus subtilis) in modulating the performance of red cabbage under the field conditions of Middle Gangetic Plains, India. Growth parameters were studied at three developmental stages, viz., pre-cupping, early head formation, and maturity. Our results suggested that the dual application of T. harzianum + P. fluorescens along with the 75% recommended dose of fertilizers (RDF) increased the number of leaves (24.6), leaf area (537.2 cm2), root length (19.8 cm), and micronutrient uptake (Fe, Mn, and Cu) by head of the crop, whereas the co-inoculation of P. fluorescens and B. subtilis along with 75% RDF enhanced plant spread (39.0 cm), earliness (95.2 days), and Zn uptake. Maximum plant height (28.7 cm) and chlorophyll (SPAD, 77.3) were recorded in 100% RDF (120:60:60 kg ha−1) and the combination of T. harzianum + B. subtilis along with 75% RDF, respectively. Interestingly, consortium (T. harzianum + P. fluorescens) bio-primed plants recorded about 14% higher root length in comparison to plants receiving sole fertilizers. The regression analysis revealed a significant relationship of Fe and Mn uptake with chlorophyll (SPAD) and between Zn uptake and the earliness of the crop. The present study indicated that seedling bio-priming with the dual consortium of efficient bio-agents is a viable strategy to lessen our dependence on chemical fertilizers for improving red cabbage production.