期刊名称:Journal of Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems
出版社:International Centre for Sustainable Developmen of Energy, Water and Environment Systems
摘要:This paper proposes a novel daily energy management system for optimization dispatch and operation control of a typical microgrid power system. The multi-objective optimization dispatch problem is formulated to simultaneously minimize the operating cost, pollutant emission level as well as the power loss of conversion devices. While satisfying the system load and technical constraints, ensure high penetration of renewable energy and optimal scheduling of charging/discharging of battery storage system based on a fuzzy logic approach. The weighted sum method is adopted to obtain Pareto optimal solutions, then a fuzzy set theory is employed to find the best compromise solution. Ant lion optimizer method is considered to solve the formulated problem. To prove the efficacy and robustness of the proposed algorithm, a comparison of the performance of ant lion optimizer algorithm with other known heuristic optimization techniques has been investigated. The results obtained show that the proposed algorithm outperforms the other heuristic techniques in solving the multi-objective optimization dispatch problem. They also reveal that a better compromise between the considered contradictory objective functions is achieved when priority is given to the generation of the internal microgrid’s sources with an equivalent contribution rate of 68.45% of generated power from both fuel cell and micro-turbine, whereas the contribution rate of external grid is limited to 11.72%.