其他摘要:We examined the influence of drying on the germination of Abies mariesii seeds. The germination capacity of seeds stored at 4℃ and −20℃ was also observed. Germination experiments were conducted by adjusting the moisture content of the seeds to four levels (9.9, 7.1, 6.3%, and 5.1%). The germination rate did not decrease with drying intensity, and >70% of seeds germinated in all treatments. The germination rate of seeds stored at 4℃ was <10% after 3 years regardless of the drying treatment. For seeds stored at −20℃, the germination rate after 3 years ranged from 48.3% to 77.4%. These results suggest that Abies mariesii seeds can be frozen and stored at a controlled moisture content, and that storage at subzero temperatures is effective in protecting the fruiting cycle.
其他关键词:subalpine conifer;germination rate;moisture content;seed storage at subzero temperatures