期刊名称:International Journal of Electronics, Communication and Soft Computing Science and Engineering
摘要:Cloud Computing is an information technology paradigm that enables ubiquitous access to shared pools of configurable system resources and higher level services that can be rapidly provisioned with minimal management effort over the internet. This paper focused on analysis of five different techniques and systems such as CS_DDoS system, DoS attack detection system that uses multivariate correlation analysis, dynamic resource allocation strategy to counter DDoS, FireCol Algorithm and detection using Software – Defined Networking etc. But there are some problems in each method. The problems to overcome are given in analysis and discussion. To overcome these problems, this paper proposes a new DDoS attack detection system model, so as to reduce the rate of DDoS attacks and prevent them. This system also reduces the delay caused while checking and receiving of packets.
关键词:Cloud;Cloud Computing;Distributed Denial of Service Attacks;Software - Defined Networking;Dynamic Resource Allocation Strategy