期刊名称:International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences
出版社:Human Resource Management Academic Research Society
摘要:Objective of this study is to identify community perception based on development change at Terengganu River, Malaysia. Development alongside of riverside of Terengganu river give major changes towards physical and environmental impact it has given positive or negative impact towards the community that lives along the riverside. The aim of this research shows that the effect of Terengganu River bank development can be grouped into four principle impacts that were improvement on the riverside design and facility, tourist spot attraction, sustainable environment development and preservation of the natural environment. The discoveries of this article additionally demonstrate the riverbank advancement and natural changes give new move to neighborhood society advantages to produce higher quality and dynamic life. Questionnaire been used in this study are Impact Development River Side on Physical Environment and Human. Questionnaire been divided with 3 section with 10 question in for each question. Data analyzed using Descriptive Statistic on answering objective that been determined which is focus on the impact of the river basin erosion towards the physical changes on the Terengganu River and how it had been impacted to the community. Results from this demonstrates the riverbank advancement and natural changes give new move to neighborhood society advantages to produce higher quality and dynamic life. Researcher suggests that everybody must take part to ensure less negative impact towards the environmental side that will affect to the community later.