期刊名称:International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences
出版社:Human Resource Management Academic Research Society
摘要:Since the COVID-19 epidemic ravaged the entire world, including Malaysia, the government has imposed a Movement Control Order (MCO), which has resulted in restrictions on daily activities, including operations in university learning where students must adhere to strict guidelines (Open and Distance Learning, ODL). Thus, this study discusses the relevance of studying from home the challenges faced by students related to when he is at home, the responsibility as a student and child to their family, and the improvement of self-improvement while studying at home. Formerly, the objective of this study is to see how learning at home impacts students in terms of their existence, their responsibilities towards education and family, and maintaining excellent performance while at home. The study is based on the ERG theory, proposed by Alderfer, which provides three categories of basic needs: existence (E), relatedness (R), and growth (G). The researcher takes a quantitative technique in this study, in which the respondents are given a questionnaire to complete to answer the study's stated objectives. There are four sections in this instrument and the respondents involved in this study are a total of 161 respondents. The results of the study found that the presence of students at home saves daily expenses for a student and even the student it easy to attend classes by just having to be in front of the computer. At the same time, students do not have to face traffic jams to attend class. Therefore, the lecturers impose additional training and work for the students to ensure that the students understand and always excel in their subject. As a result, a study like this should be undertaken to see what students think when they learn from home and people will learn the true circumstance that students confront throughout their home learning sessions.