期刊名称:International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management
摘要:Osteogenesis Imperfecta (OI) is a rare genetic condition which affects the skeletal system. According to a recent survey, about 5% of the world’s population has a physical disability of some nature. In India alone OI affects about 0.007% of the population, roughly about 87,000 people, most likely these people dependent on an assistive device for mobility. OI has no obvious medical cause or a real cure, it shows a range of symptoms and signs. In the affected human under study, both the pairs of femur and tibia bones are severely and non-uniformly deformed. The deformities in the legs rendered the issues with load transmission and balancing while walking, for which the affected individual must use elbow crutches. There is scope for improvement. This paper presents the design and development of exoskeleton customized to an individual's needs. The exoskeleton transmits load to the ground, removing most stresses/impacts from the lower limbs. It consists of a rigid polymer ring worn around the waist/back, where most of the load is to be distributed/ transmitted. Links parallel to each leg will have six joints, two, 3 DOF joints aligned with hips, two, 1 DOF at knees and two 2 DOF joints at the ankles. The Exoskeleton is provided with cushioning and strapping to ensure stability, comfort and joint alignment.