摘要:The aim of the study was to assess quality of life related to mental and physical health among divers and non-divers with physical disabilities. The examined group consisted of 240 disabled people (both genders). The SF-36 questionnaire (Short-Form Health Survey) was used to measure the overall sense of health-related quality of life. Moreover, the authors’ survey was also used in the study. There was a significant difference (
p < 0.05) in the self-assessment of the quality of life (physical functioning, social functioning, mental health, and vitality) between the examined diving and non-diving groups. In other areas evaluated with the use of the SF-36 questionnaire, i.e., limitation in performing roles due to emotional problems and pain, limitations in performing roles due to physical health, a tendency to a higher rating was noticed in the group of divers. Scuba diving can improve various components of the life-quality of people with disabilities, and in general can be seen as a form of physical activity and rehabilitation for people with disabilities. However, it is necessary to conduct extensive research in this area.
关键词:enscuba divingrehabilitation in disabilityquality of life