摘要:AbstractLeaf rust caused by pathogen Puccinia has more potential to threaten the yield of wheat up to 10% as compared to the other two types of rust stem and yellow rust. The severity of the disease depends upon the developmental stage of the plant and susceptibility of the plant. The variability of wheat growing conditions favorable climatic patterns, and genomic polyploidy nature it becomes the most financial and nutritional crop. The Food and Agriculture organization (FAO) report on annual global supply and demand for wheat is ample for wheat production. The population development rate is increasing, which is estimated at 9 billion by 2025. To meet the demand for staple food the production of wheat is an important interest for its significance turn outPuccinia triticinacausing brown rust disease in our country causes a huge amount of yield losses up to 50% (in severe cases) every year in all wheat-growing areas. Breeding of resistant varieties is the best and economic way to control this problem. Moreover, developing varieties is a continuous process because it can break the resistance of any variety by mutation. After screening 45 commercial varieties in 2019,2020 and 2021, only one variety was symptomless. After comparing varieties, showing resistance against urediniospores in the last three years only three varieties were similar showing resistant response against leaf rust. Moreover, after comparing environmental conditions favoring disease development in last three years it was observed that low temperature from 18 to 25 degree centigrade, humidity above 80% and high rainfall increases the incidence of disease development.
关键词:KeywordsenLeaf resistanceScreening of varietiesPuccinia trichinaYield lossWheat genotypeResistant varieties