摘要:ANDI MUH. SAHID. 2021. Skripsi.The Effect of Environment and Work Commitment on Employee Performance at Bone Regency Inspectorate Office supervised by Dr. Seri Suriani, SE., M.Si and Dr. Ir. Munawar Yantahin., M.BA. The purpose of this research is to find out the effect of environment and work commitment on employee performance at Bone Regency Inspectorate Office.The object of this research is Bone Regency Inspectorate Bone.The data sample was taken using questionnaire to 73 respondenents which are the employee of The Bone Regency Inspectorate Office. The type of research used is qualitative research with multiple linear regression.Research results shows that work environment doesn’t have any significant effect on employee performance, meanwhile work commitment shows that there is a signigicant effect on employee performance at The Bone Regency Inspectorate Office. As the recommendation, it is better for Bone Regency Inspectorate Office to create more comfortable work environment like room lighting, air circulation, teamwork,k, and also maintain or increase the work commitment by giving some motivation to the employees.