摘要:ANDI NUR SAKINAH. 2021. Skripsi. Comparative Analysis of PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk Financial Performance Before and During the Covid-19 Pandemic supervised by Dr. Hj. Herminawaty Abubakar, SE,M.Si and Thanwain, SE, M.Si.,Ak.,CA. The purpose of this research is to find out and analyze the differences between financial ratios before and during the COVID-19 pandemic at PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk.The object of this research is PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk. The type of research used is quantitative research with different test analysis methods like paired t-test samples and wilcoxon signed test, which were previously carried out with descriptive tests. The data obtained are financial report data from the official website of the Indonesian stock exchange.The results of this study indicate that there’s no any significant difference in the variables of NPL,LDR,GCG,ROA, NIM,and CAR before and during the COVID-19 pandemic PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk.