摘要:The main aim of this research is to find out the potential use of advertisement for the promotion of forts. Pune forts are the historical symbol of the Maharashtra. There are various types of forts situated in every location of Pune. Most of the forts are built-up on Mountains. Forts are built up in such a way that it attracts the people to come again and again for visit. The researcher has selected tourist as a target group to carry out this research and local community people. The researcher summoned up this research by gathering the data about types of clientele who frequently visit the forts. The respondents are mainly classified as per age, gender, leisure time. There are number of tourist who wanted to visit forts but due to lack of information about various forts which are situatited in different locations of Pune. No proper advertisement is happening for the promotion of forts. Most of the information gets the tourist from newspaper only. There is no proper use of other mediums for promotion of forts. This research paper would help to all the students, teachers, scholars and the Government to get the significance of it.