摘要:The purpose of this study are to evaluate entrepreneurship practice program and determine the extent of successful of the program and analyze responses and feedback as well as constraints in the implementation of policies regarding the holding of entrepreneurship practice program in Vocational High School in West Java. The sample of this study is the evaluation research model used is the evaluation of the Context, Input, Process, Product (CIPP) program. This study uses mix methods. Data collection techniques in the study used observation and questionnaires to 100 entrepreneurship teachers in West Java, Indonesia and indeph interviews were conducted on key informants. Referring to the evaluation, it can be concluded that the implementation of the context program phase is high (100%), the program input is moderate (75%), the program process was moderate (50%), the program's products is high (100%). There are 3 strategic issues raised based on the results of the interview, namely: The need for infrastructure support, the need for financial support and the need for an orderly implementation schedule. Theoretical implications of Entrepreneurial practices are still needed to improve student competence and in the context of facing the ASEAN Economic Community and practical implication of this study are an input in policy development in order to enhance the development of this program organized and adding literature to the implementation of it.