摘要:In SMEs, the small businesses are considered as the most dynamic business entities and viewed as the important promoters of worldwide economies (Roxas et al., 2017; Njoku et al., 2014). Internationally, small businesses are regarded as the platform for entrepreneurs, as they are the main pivotal force behind the economic growth and poverty reduction, through providing more job opportunities (Heinicke, 2018). According to Hallam et al. (2017), the majority of the countries in the world rely largely on the performance of the SMEs for the uplift and growth of their economy. Zafar & Mustafa (2017) added that on average, in the developed economies (high income countries), overall, the SMEs contributes 55% and 65% to Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and employment, respectively. In the developing countries (middle income countries), the SMEs on the average contribute 70% to GDP and 95% to total employment. Similarly, in low income economies, they contribute 60% to GDP and 70% to total employment. Thus, the importance of SMEs to economic growth and development of any nation cannot be denied.