摘要:Canada's youngest generation, Generation Y, is currently the most numerous part of society, and it is rapidly surpassing baby boomers as the country's single largest segment of the labor force. Millennials (Generation Y) in Canada are the most technologically proficient generation, and the Internet is the most effective medium for communicating with them. In this moment of change, small businesses and job creation are becoming increasingly important in the Canadian economy and employment creation, as the country progresses through its economic transformation. In this study, various behavioural technology adoption models such as the Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA), Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB), Rogers�?? Diffusion of Innovation Model, Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), and Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology Two (UTAUT2) have been explained and reviewed to present the best model suited to target Canadian Generation Y consumers. They can helped to explain consumers�?? behavioural intention and usage.