标题:Challenges Faced by Public-Private Partnership Initiatives in Agriculture in Namibia: A Case Study of Mashare Irrigation Scheme in the Kavango Region
摘要:The Namibian government has made food security and the fight against hunger a top priority in its agenda and the government has employed different models to achieve this goal. One of the models that have been employed to achieve this goal is the Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) in agriculture. This paper aimed at investigating challenges faced by this model and initiatives in agriculture in ensuring food security. The study used Mashare irrigation scheme in the Kavango region as a case study. The study adopted a qualitative research method with an appreciation of exploratory approach so as to enhance the robustness of the study. Data were collected through interviews and focus groups and analysed using thematic technique. The findings from the study revealed that the key challenge that the PPPs are facing is the rigidity of the lease agreement. The findings from this study also revealed that poor capacity, low motivation of public partners, and delays in the procurement of urgent and strategic items needed at the project such as pesticides, seeds and other chemicals are the other challenges faced in this arrangement. Based on these key findings the study recommends that the government should be flexible enough with the period of the lease agreement in order to make this arrangement attractive to investors. Skills transfer from the private partners to the public participants should be emphasised so that the participants are motivated and encouraged to take an active role. Bureaucracy should be removed in the procurement chain of the essential materials that are used at these projects as this frustrates the efforts of the private partners.