摘要:The Namibian government has made food security and the fight against hunger a top priority in its agenda and the government has employed different models to achieve this goal. One of the models that the government has been using to ensure food security is the PublicPrivate Partnerships (PPPs). PPPs are the long-term contractual relationships between the government and private partners to provide all or some part of the delivery of agricultural infrastructure and services. The main purpose of this study was to examine the key success factors of the public-private partnership initiatives in agriculture, in order to support the government initiatives in the fight against hunger in Namibia. The study employed a qualitative research method whereby interviews and focus groups were conducted amongst a group of 70 farmers at Mashare Irrigation Scheme in the Kavango region, where the government has partnered with the private sector to run an irrigation scheme. The study found that the key success factors of the PPP in agriculture are; choosing the right partner for the project is key, a partner who has extensive knowledge and interest in agriculture, secondly, both partners need to set realistic expectations for the project, thirdly there must be transparency from the onset from both partners. The study recommends that extensive ground work must be conducted before choosing the private partner to team up with and the partner should display commitment and knowledge of the agricultural sector and the public should be well informed of their role in the project so that both sides can set realistic goals and expectations.