摘要:Creative industries as a concept of new bussiness, relies on ideas and creativity that is called creativepreneur. This industry become catalyst in the bussiness growth in Indonesia. As known, bussiness environment has changed significantly. Therefore the creative industries as a small and medium-size entreprises (SMEs) compete to gain competitiveness through co-creation. The co-creation in creative industries by applying entrepreneurial marketing is needed to be existed. This study purposed to investigate influence of Entrepreneurial Marketing (EM) on cocreation in the Creative Industries in West Java, Indonesia. The methodology used in this study was quantitative approach with the regression analysis technique, reability test, validity test, normality and hypothesis test. The saturation sampling was used to collect the datas related with the study through distributed questionaires. The result showed that entrepreneurial marketing including proactive innovation, opportunity driven, innovation focus, willingness to change, resource leveraging, risk management, customer intensity and value-driven has significant effect on co-creating in the creative industries, West Java, Indonesia. The study provided new insight of co-creation through entrepreneurial marketing in creative industries that is registered in Ministry of Industry. The study focused on the eight dimentions of Entrepreneurial Marketing (EM) affecting co-creation in the industry.
关键词:Co-Creation;Entrepreneurial Marketing;Creative Industry