摘要:The study aims to examine the impact of the five different transformational leadership factors on the employees' commitment to the UAE banking industry. The conceptual framework includes five factors of transformational leadership theory, emotional intelligence, and employees' commitment. The study population includes any employees from operational management, supervisors, operational managers, departmental managers of commercial banks in UAE. The technique used for selecting samples is quota sampling, and the dataset used for analysis has a size of 388 samples. Four factors of transformational leadership can explain 68.7% of the employee commitment variance. The precedence rank of it is, idolized influence (0.279), individualized consideration (0.227), intellectual stimulation (0.218), inspirational motivation (0.196), and attributed charisma have no effect. Emotional intelligence. For the influence of the five different transformational leadership factors on emotional intelligence, three factors positively impact the overall explanation power of 24.9% of the emotional intelligence variance.
关键词:Employee Commitment;Transformational Leadership;Emotional Intelligence;UAE;Banking Industry