标题:Integration of Vocational School and Small-Medium Enterprises (SMEs) Learning An Effort of Elevating Entrepreneurship Spirit Based On Strength and Weakness In East Java
摘要:This paper is intended to carry out regarding to the lack of students’ entrepreneurship interest in Vocational School and the fact that Small and Medium Enterprises(SMEs) also has some limitations, hence this research is attempting to combine those two factors so it results to a model of integrated entrepreneurship study. This model of entrepreneurship study integrated with SMEsneed to be implemented in higher school or vocational school in order to civilize entrepreneurship spirit to students that later can elevate their interest in entrepreneurship and improve the quantity and quality of SMEs. Moreover, through entrepreneurship education which is integrated directly with SMEs, it is expected that students and society will have knowledge, skill and attitude of entrepreneurship so that they can create job vacancy in the future, either for themselves or even can recruit labor from the society. Therefore, the emerge of entrepreneurship education model integrated with local SMEswill affect to the emerge of new entrepreneurs who have tough skill, knowledge and soft skill as well as being able to compete in this globalization era. Thus, this research aims to discover and shape a model to cultivate entrepreneurship education values integrated between Vocational School and local SMEsin East Java. Besides, the purpose of this research is to build good synergy between SMEspeople with Vocational School community in terms of product competition or other entrepreneurship skills. This is a development research with an approach of Mix Methodand it belongs to descriptive research. The respondents of this research were students of Vocational School and SMEsin Malang, Probolinggo, Madura, Blitar and Jember. The result of this study is an established integrated model which produces entrepreneurship cooperation with written agreement including marketing, product, financial system, production, Human Resources, management and sustainable training center.
关键词:Entrepreneurship;Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs);Vocational School;Integrated and Partnership Model