摘要:Family businesses are increasingly calling attention to entrepreneurs, academics and organizations. This is largely due to their contribution to GDP, as well as being a source of employment. Family enterprises have very peculiar characteristics, such as shared identity, privacy, very close and emotional relationships; however, they also face various problems related to the internal and external barriers in innovation. Among the internal barriers are the excessive risk, lack of trained personnel, high costs, and lack of expert staff; therefore, they have an impact on the time of innovation, and the organizational culture must be added as a fundamental factor. As a problem statement, the question that was generated was: What is the relationship and influence of the organizational culture with the innovation that is applied by family enterprises in Cajeme, Mexico? Consequently, the objective of the study is to analyze the relationship and influence of the organizational culture with the innovation that is applied by the family enterprises in Cajeme, México in order to generate new cultural models. The proposed hypotheses are: H1. The organizational culture is positively and significantly related with the innovation that is applied by family enterprises; H2. The organizational culture has a positive and significant influence on the innovation that is applied by family enterprises.