摘要:Objective: In the contemporary literature of organization and public administration, the values that guide organizational and managerial behaviors in the public sector have received much attention. This article seeks to assess the real (existing) status of public service values as well as identify and rank the ideal public service values for government and public organizations. Methods: The research method used in this research was a descriptive survey which was collected through the questionnaire of opinions and views of 721 employees of public and private organizations who were selected by purposive sampling. Descriptive statistics were used to examine the demographic characteristics of the respondents and inferential statistical methods were used to analyze the data. Results: The findings showed that the public service values reflecting the traditions of public administration in the current (real) situation are lower than expected. Competence, Responsiveness, rule of law, transparency, accountability, integrity, productivity, preserve the public interest, equality and social justice and entrepreneurship were among the ten important values that should be current and institutionalized in the minds of participants in government and public organizations. Conclusion: Public administrators should periodically evaluate the values of real public services in government and public organizations and, with the necessary planning, streamline and institutionalize the values of public services expected and desired by citizens in government and public organizations.
关键词:Public Service Values;Public Administration;Public Organizations