摘要:Protein intakes of advanced age Māori participating in Te Puāwaitanga o Ngā Tapuwae Kia Ora Tonu (LiLACS NZ) are presented. Detailed dietary assessments were completed by 216 Māori men and women aged 81–91 years using a repeat 24-hour multiple pass recall. Nutrient intakes were analysed using FOODfiles 2010. Among this cohort of older Mäori men and women, the highest contributors of protein intake were fish and seafood, meat and poultry. By contrast, bread, followed by milk, beef and veal were the main protein source in men and women over 70 years in the New Zealand Adult Nutrition Survey 2008/09. Although average protein intakes met the nutrient reference values for both genders, 30% took below the recommended protein intake and the intake was generally low compared with older adults in national and international studies. Improved access to kai Māori may pave the way forward to enhance protein food consumption .