摘要:The purpose of this paper is to investigate the relationship between spiritual leadership and workplace well-being of secondary school teachers. The study is quantitative in nature and a correlation research design has been used. The secondary school teachers of Lahore are mainly targeted population and stratified sampling technique is used to draw sample of the study. The sample consists of 150 secondary school teachers (75 male and 75 females). Two close ended questionnaires on five-point likert type scale were adapted for this study. The reliability of the instruments has been approx. 0.931 and 0.94 respectively. Pearson Product-Moment Correlation Coefficient has been used to investigate the relationship between spiritual leadership and workplace well-being. Inferential statistics are used to explore the difference among secondary school teachers’ perception on the basis of their demographic information. Findings of the study reveal that spiritual leadership is strongly correlated with teachers’ well-being in secondary schools. There is a weak positive relationship among spiritual leadership, teachers’ relatedness and teachers’ competence needs. It is recommended that the head teachers should adopt spiritual style to run the school effectively because under this leadership, a healthy environment in schools might be developed and teachers may perform their duties better.