摘要:Tliis volume is the eighth in a series o f analysesof US national security policy by Michael E.OTIanlon and bis fourth regarding the defensebudget. He parses out the situation as he sees it,both in terms o f ongoing securitv operations andpossible tlireal scenarios, all within budget projections and constraints. OTlanlotTs analysis generallv supports current adm inistration policy; that is.he likely would not have supportecl the Iraq intervention as it unfolded but worLs from where we arepresentlv ratlier than from where he might vvant tobe at a particular point in time when making policyrecom mendations. His analysis is interesting because one traditionallv links the Brookings Institution to the Democrats as a policy workshop, in contrast to the American Enterprise Institute with itsRepublican linkages. Civilian national security leadership often comes from institutes such as these, screacling their analyses often provides a glimpse ofthe future, depending on presidential politics.